Born 1987, Aimée Parrott lives and works in Brighton. Aimée Parrott’s practice comprises painting, printing, drawing, sculpture and installation. The artist’s understanding of painting, her primary medium, informs ideas expressed throughout her practice as a whole. Approaching the canvas as a fragile and permeable boundary - a metaphorical skin or body that holds the trace of time, thought and gesture - Parrott explores notions of transformation, connectivity and exchange. Parrott makes use of the fluidity of the mono-printing process to create bodies of work where rhythmic gestures and forms repeat seeming to echo; growing, fading, regenerating within a self perpetuating framework.
Recent works continue to explore the disjunction between internal sensations and exterior impressions with works that hover between gesture and form, suggesting hybridity, metamorphosis and a symbiotic blurring of boundaries.
Parrott completed her MFA at Royal Academy Schools 2011-2014 and BA at University College Falmouth 2006-2009. Recent exhibitions include Sussex Landscape: Chalk, Wood and Water at Pallant House Gallery November 2022- April 2023, a solo presentation at Parafin Gallery in 2023 and a group show at Lyndsey Ingram March 2024.