Anne-Laure Zevi


Anne-Laure Zevi is French and lives in Switzerland. 


Made in a dense layering of media that includes pencil, ink, make-up, pastel and collage, Anne-Laure Zevi’s drawings are intricate, eerie and compelling. They depict places, figures and events of profound psychological and atmospheric intensity. Small in scale, pushing figuration to near abstraction, they combine monochrome, scarred or delicately worked surface, tonal colour and shading. The antique frames chosen by the artist are integral to each work, heightening a sense of memento. They have the air of drawings made in dreams, as records of sites deep within the sub-conscious - simultaneously familiar and unreal.


Her short stories have appeared in translation in The Paris Review, The Brooklyn Rail, The Hopkins Review and Gagosian Quarterly. An exhibition of her drawings was held in 2021 and 2022 at 107S-chanf, in S-chanf, Switzerland. Her drawings were included in the Annual exhibition of Grisons artists, 2022-2023 at the Bundner Kunstmuseum Chur, Switzerland. In 2023, INDIPENDENZA, Rome, Italy, held a solo exhibition of her work and that same year she was invited by Li Lin to a residency at the By Art Matters Museum in Hangzhou, China.